Finding Some Calm In The Storm

Making positive lifestyle changes requires courage, honesty, reflection, and the not-so-simple ability to be aware of the choices you make every hour of every day.

This Mindset Toolkit supports the information and guidance you receive in the Mindset Module of the Anticancer Lifestyle Program. The resources on this page will help you make lasting lifestyle changes that will decrease inflammation and enhance your immune system’s ability to fight disease.


Must-See Movies and TV Shows to Inspire Your Healthy Lifestyle Journey

Creating a healthier lifestyle, especially with a focus on cancer prevention, involves not only making informed choices about our diet and physical activity but also educating ourselves and our loved …

Articles & Research

Mental Health Benefits of Walking in Nature

A study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health reported on the mental health benefits of walking in greenspace.


Creating a Body Cancer Doesn’t Like

Learn ways to reduce risk of cancer and cancer recurrence by optimizing the health of 5 key pathways: immunity, inflammation, insulin regulation, detoxification, and hormonal balance.

Expert Q&A

Mindset Q&A: Margaret Fletcher, Mindfulness Instructor

Join us for this engaging Q&A session with Margaret Fletcher, a renowned Mindfulness Instructor, focusing on the Mindset module of the Anticancer Lifestyle Program.

Articles & Research

Mindfulness training helped adherence to DASH diet

In a study published in JAMA Network Open, researchers found that a mindfulness program adapted to improving health behaviors to lower blood pressure improved interoceptive awareness (ie, being more a…

Articles & Research

Stress and Cancer

In a study published in Nature Reviews Cancer, found that the chronic stress response can release substances that can make us more vulnerable to cancer and to progression of cancer.

Join us in growing and sustaining the Anticancer Lifestyle Program

  • Learn about our mission, how the Anticancer Lifestyle Program works, and how our evidence-based curriculum helps cancer survivors, and those interested in prevention, become more active participants in their own health.
    Our Mission
  • The Anticancer Lifestyle Program empowers those who seek to gain control over their own health, by giving them the tools and information they need to live a healthy lifestyle. But don’t just take our word for it! See what our program participants have to say.
    Our Participants
  • To create our content, the ACLP draws on subject matter experts in the areas of diet, fitness, mindset, and personal environment. A Board of Directors and Advisory Board provide guidance and support.
    Our Board
  • Interested in learning more about lifestyle changes that can reduce your risk of cancer, cancer recurrence, and chronic illness? We make it easy for you to learn your way.
    Get Started

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