Download this worksheet to review some factors you may want to consider before starting a fast, or for deciding whether to continue a current fasting regimen.
Eat a plant-based diet, with a focus on a variety of fruits, vegetables, and plant-based proteins. Plant-based diets are usually higher in antioxidants, which are beneficial for cancer protection.
Check your house for common toxic chemicals and choose safer alternatives with this simple checklist for less toxic living.
KITCHEN What type of cookware (pots and pans) do you use? What type of containers do you use to store food? What form of food do you use most often – canned, fresh, frozen? What containers do you us…
Your success depends on setting goals that really matter to you. Write down your goals, put them where you can see them, and renew them regularly.
Use this form to make your own exercise and physical activity plan.
Take the tests from the Measuring Your Fitness Progress tip sheet, record your scores, and watch your progress.
Use this activity log to write down how much time you are physically active (for example, walking, gardening, playing a sport, dancing, lifting weights).
You can use this form to record your endurance activities. Try to build up to at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity endurance activity on most or all days of the week. Every day is best.
The Anticancer Wheel of Life is a tool aimed at helping you to visualize what is important to you and how much attention you pay to each of your core values.
Remember these 5 Change Keys as you begin to develop your Anticancer Lifestyle: Preserve core values. Keep reminding yourself of your core values and make sure your actions align with them.
There are a number of ways to achieve a healthier ratio of omega-6’s to omega-3’s in your diet.
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