Breast Cancer Risk in Relation to the Joint Effect of BRCA Mutations and Diet Diversity

It has been suggested that gene-environment interaction is related to the risk of cancer. To evaluate departure from multiplicative effects between BRCA mutations and diet diversity in breast cancer (BC), a case-only study was carried out in a French-Canadian population including 738 patients with incident primary BC comprising 38 BRCA mutation carriers. To read the full article, click here The following study showed that the amount and variety of fruits and vegetables in the diet was associated with a reduced risk of developing breast cancer, even in BRCA1 mutation carriers. We honor each person’s individual decision on managing their health and reducing their risk of disease.  Yet it is important to ensure that people are well informed about ALL the strategies for reducing risk of cancer.  Healthy weight, healthy diet (primarily a plant-based diet), regular exercise, and managing stress if done together will result in reduced risk of MANY cancers.  In fact, the American Cancer Society suggests that these factors alone will prevent more than 30% of cancer in the US.  Surgical prevention and chemoprevention have their place and are critical for some individuals.  It is equally important to ensure lifestyle factors are also managed or else the more invasive strategies may end up failing, as there will still be “fuel” being put on the fire. Click Here to view the ACS Guidelines on Nutrition & Physical Activity for Cancer Prevention  View the BRCA-1 Relative Risk Graph              BRCA-1 & Variety of Vegetables