Reduce Exposure to EDCs: 5 Tips for Healthy Hormone Function (INFOGRAPHIC)

edc infographic healthy hormones anticancer endocrine disruptors bpa
Portrait of Erika Crespo Erika Crespo

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) are a class of hundreds of mostly human-made chemicals that disrupt the endocrine (or hormone) system. This system regulates crucial functions such as reproduction, growth, metabolism, mood, and immune function. Disruption from EDCs can lead to adverse health effects, including obesity and cancer.

See our infographic below for tips on how to reduce your exposure.

To learn more, check out our eBook “Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs): What They Are & How to Reduce Your Exposures.”

edc infographic healthy hormones anticancer endocrine disruptors bpa

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