Enjoy your food, improve your health!

Turn your diet into a powerful anticancer tool for reducing inflammation, strengthening your immune system, and feeling better. 

Take our online course to learn how. It’s 100% free.

A healthy diet is key to living a healthier, more vibrant life.

But with so many choices out there, it’s hard to know if you’re making the best diet decisions for your health.

Many registered dietitians, doctors, and other health professionals recommend the Anticancer Lifestyle Program’s free online course. Participants love it, too. Learn how the diet module impacted one participant to make lasting changes.

You will learn from experts about:

  • Anti-inflammatory foods
  • How to select healthier oils, seafood, eggs, and meat
  • The importance of reducing sugar, red meat, and processed foods
  • Healthy herbs, spices, and teas
  • Why and when to choose organic foods
  • Benefits of a plant-based diet

Our self-paced course is divided into five modules. It’s accessible on all devices and includes a free mobile app, so you can learn anytime, anywhere.

Hear what others are saying about Anticancer Lifestyle Program’s free online course.

“The Anticancer Lifestyle Program online course is a great self-paced tool and resource. It provides a starting place for patients with cancer and those interested in prevention.”

– Dr. Roshani R. Patel MD, FACS, Medical Director at Breast Program, Jersey Shore University Medical Center

“As a physician, I recommend the Anticancer Lifestyle Program because it is evidence-based, and focuses on positive, pro-health living.”

– Dr. Chloe Atreya MD, PHD, Gastrointestinal Medical Oncologist and Researcher at Helen Diller Comprehensive Cancer Center, UCSF

“I continue to be amazed at what I didn’t know and how easy it will be to change to healthier eating.”

– Course Participant

“My breast cancer diagnosis was a wake-up call. The Anticancer Lifestyle Program course motivated me to get back to that healthier way of cooking and eating.”

– Course Participant

I now eat less meat and more fruits and vegetables. I try to eat foods I have not eaten before, like eggplant and kale.”

– Course Participant

“Simply aware that I have choices I make every day, how I respond, how I feel, what I do, it’s all my choice. There is great power in that.”

– Course Participant

Become empowered.

Learn other ways to improve your health

When you register for the diet module you will also gain free access to the other modules on mindset, fitness, and environment. You can learn ways to not only improve your diet but also increase your fitness level, reduce stress, and decrease toxic exposure in your home environment with Anticancer Lifestyle Program’s online course. 

As a nonprofit, we are pleased to provide this resource free of charge. No catch. No credit cards. Just high-quality content that can change your life. Are you ready to get started?

Change Your Lifestyle.

“I’ve made many changes because of the program, in my activity levels, outlook, diet and confidence. I feel armed with knowledge.”

Lower Your Stress.

“I needed the Mindset module the most. I now slow down and take deep breaths. I am more at peace and can better manage stress.”

Improve Your Diet.

“I continue to be amazed at what I didn’t know and how easy it has been to change to healthier eating.”

Feel More Fit.

“I walk instead of drive whenever possible. I climb stairs instead of taking the elevator. I dance in my kitchen!”

Reduce Toxin Exposure.

“I now use baking soda, vinegar, fragrance-free detergents, and organic personal care products. I can hear my grandmother applauding!”

Ready to take charge of your health?

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