Welcome to the Anticancer Lifestyle Kickstarts!

Embark on a Transformative One-Week Journey Toward a Healthier, Happier You—In Just 15 Minutes a Day!

“Choose your own adventure” by selecting one (or more) of our free, week-long Anticancer Lifestyle Kickstarts in the areas of diet, fitness, mindset, and personal environment.

In only 15 minutes a day, you will learn about small but significant actions that can improve your diet, increase your fitness, decrease your stress, and reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals in the home.

Why Join Our Kickstart Programs?

√ Free and Accessible: Each of our 7-day challenges is completely free and available on all devices.

√ Expert Guidance: Learn from leading experts in nutrition, exercise physiology, mindfulness, and green living.

√ Designed to Fit Your Busy Lifestyle: Each Kickstart requires only 15 minutes a day for one week and provides useful tools to jumpstart improvements in major aspects of your health.

Our 7-Day Kickstart Programs


Anti-Inflammatory Eating Made Simple


Elevate Your Health & Energy


Lower Your Stress & Cultivate a Mindful Life


Create a Healthy, Nontoxic Home

Click on each icon to see the Kickstart topics.

Day 1
Assess Your Stress
Day 2
The Mind-Body Connection
Day 3
The Anticancer Mindset
Day 4
Gratitude & Being in Nature
Day 5
Mindfulness Techniques
Day 6
Mindfulness in Daily Life
Day 7
Mindfulness & Change
Day 1
Anti-inflammatory Foods
Day 2
Mindful Eating
Day 3
Healthy Food Shopping
Day 4
Ultra-processed Foods
Day 5
Fiber and Gut Health
Day 6
Nontoxic Cookwear
Day 7
Recipes and Next Steps
Day 1
Setting Realistic Fitness Goals
Day 2
Cardiovascular Health & Exercises
Day 3
Strength Training Essentials
Day 4
Flexibility & Balance
Day 5
Neuromotor Training
Day 6
Your Personalized Fitness Plan
Day 7
Quality Sleep for a Healthier Life
Day 1
Healthy Home Assessment
Day 2
Personal Care Products
Day 3
The Healthy Kitchen
Day 4
Clean Cleaning
Day 5
Clean Indoor Air
Day 6
Dry Cleaning and Fabrics
Day 7
Create Your Anticancer Environment

What People are Saying About the Kickstarts

“Excellent information! I always knew I needed to manage my stress but didn’t know where to start!”

“Top-notch from Day 1! This Kickstart made me rethink my entire diet.”

“I’ve learned there isn’t one ‘right’ way to fold exercise into my daily routine.”

“I never realized how many toxic chemicals were lurking in my own home. This kickstart has been an eye-opener!”

Ready to take charge of your health?

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