Share Your #MyAnticancerLifestyle Story

The Anticancer Lifestyle Team

In October 2019, we launched the online “e-ACLP” course, making the critical information we’ve been teaching in-person easily available to all who wish to reduce their odds of cancer and cancer recurrence, and those who are interested in overall prevention of chronic illness. The course features videos, text, animation, quizzes and other features to engage the learner and help them along the path toward creating a healthier lifestyle. Each module has its own “toolkit” housed on the website that lists articles, videos, books, apps, tip sheets and more.

Information matters, but so do words. It’s hard to escape all the war metaphors surrounding cancer. Cancer survivors are in a “fight” or a “battle.” We are all engaged in a “war on cancer.” This metaphor doesn’t quite work when it’s your own body harboring the disease; what exactly am I at war with — myself? Instead, our program promotes another way to look at cancer. From our perspective, it’s the oncologist’s job to wage war on cancer, using every reasonable armament at their disposal. For the cancer patient, the task is different.

The e-ACLP makes the information you need to be a great “gardener” easily available, approachable and accessible. Our goal is to reach as many cancer survivors — and those interested in prevention — as we possibly can.

After all, as with garden soil, our bodies are awash with bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms. In fact, more than half our cells are not even our own DNA. We have the power to enrich our inner soil — with healthy food, some exercise, stress management and clean home and body care products. We can pull the weeds of a bad diet and inactivity. We can lower our pest infestation by lowering overall inflammation and enhancing our immune systems — growing, in other words, our body’s ability to fight disease, and maximizing our own potential to make a difference in outcome. This is surprisingly easy to do. It’s a process, to be sure, and like most others who’ve picked up these tools, we are all still learning and constantly making changes along the way as we cultivate our health.

Share Your #MyAnticancer Journey

How are you making small changes, whether it’s meditating more, making healthier food choices, or incorporating more activity into your daily life? Share you #MyAnticancer journey with us on social media by doing the following:

  1. Share a photo of how you’re living an Anticancer Lifestyle on social media (ex. picture of food you’ve made, or activities you’re engaging in on a daily or weekly basis).
  2. Use the hashtag #MyAnticancerLifestyle to be featured on our upcoming feeds and newsletters!

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