““As a physician, I recommend the Anticancer Lifestyle Program because it is evidence-based, and focuses on the most important things that patients and their loved ones can do to balance cancer treatment with positive, pro-health living.”
““The Anticancer Lifestyle Program has been a great addition to our Cancer Center here in Louisiana. The resources reinforce the importance of physical and mental wellbeing throughout survivorship. We are so grateful to have this program help our patients not just survive after cancer, but to thrive.”
““My patients respond to the Anticancer Lifestyle Program in a way I find unprecedented in 30 years of Radiation Oncology practice. It helps them feel that we are caring for them, and not just delivering cancer treatment.”
““The Anticancer Lifestyle Program is truly the most comprehensive and empowering free patient resource that I have seen in over 20+ years of clinical practice! It’s really a “how-to” guide for being a healthy human. This program guides the patient through all the information that a doctor wishes they had time to discuss in a visit, but simply doesn’t. Regular cancer screening is important for early cancer detection, and The Anticancer Lifestyle Program is great for actual cancer prevention.”
““The Anticancer Lifestyle Program has been an incredible resource for my patients, individually and in a group medical visit setting. I have been particularly grateful to have this evidence-based resource for underserved patients, who are able to use this valuable information to make lasting changes in their wellness.”
““As a pediatric oncologist, I appreciate the free resources offered by Anticancer Lifestyle Program that promote patient and family well-being. The course aligns perfectly with the advice we give in our clinics.”
““The Anticancer Lifestyle Program is a robust comprehensive lifestyle change program ideal for the individual ready to ‘hit the reset button’. It is very user friendly and easy to follow. I regularly recommend it to my patients.”
“Thank you for presenting this life-saving information in an easily digestible format. It’s every bit as important as choosing your doctor, hospital, & treatment plan.”
”Excellent and welcoming and I look forward to continuing! It’s what I feel has been missing after my surgeries and all the doctor visits. Thank you!
”“I am so glad I found the AntiCancer Lifestyle Program. This is an amazing idea and gift. Our son-in-law at 39 has glioblastoma. After surgery, chemo, and radiation we hope, no relapse. Hope, however, is not a plan. My wife and I are changing to help him change.”
”“This program is so informative, I wish there was a way to make it available to every cancer patient!”
”I shared the Anticancer Lifestyle Program with the Anchorage Young Cancer Coalition here in Alaska and a small, but mighty group of us are going through it. We are running it like a book club, where everyone does the assigned module on their own and then we meet every two weeks on a Zoom call to discuss. I am also running an Anticancer Lifestyle Program “book club” with my parents, sister and brother-in-law and it has been so encouraging to see everyone making small, cumulative and sustainable changes to their lifestyle. Cheers to overall well-being and keeping our immune systems strong!
”“I liked the overall feeling of hope I got. Especially great is the idea that our medical team can carry out the fight or battle against cancer cells. I am not in a fight with my body or my immune system. My part is to make as many healthy choices as possible during and after treatment and to enjoy my life. Thanks for that paradigm shift!”
”“This is a packed-full-of-information course given in understandable segments that you can review. My nutrition group follows your guidelines and has reaped the benefits of this course. Thanks!”
”I really loved this course…it has changed my life and makes me feel like I have some control over a non-controllable situation! THANKS SO MUCH!!”
”“I cannot tell you enough how well done these courses are – everything was great – the videos and interactive activities were very helpful. The organization and delivery of the content is very impressive! “
”“Absolutely wonderful course!!!! This course came at EXACTLY the point in my journey when I needed it.”
”“I have made a sizable advance on assessing who in my life is toxic and who is not. Those who are toxic I remove from my life. Those who are nourishing I embrace…. I practice meditation almost daily. I stretch and do yoga several times a week. I take every opportunity to laugh out loud.”