Learn Ways to Manage Your Stress

Stress management is key to improving well-being and to developing a mindset that supports healthy choices and change. 

The Anticancer Lifestyle Program offers a rich array of free Mindset resources so you can learn your way.

Take the Mindset Module of our free online course

Using expert videos, animation, text, and interactives, the Mindset module of the Anticancer Lifestyle Program will teach you simple tips and techniques that can help you reduce stress.

You will learn about:

  • The mind-body connection
  • Different types of stress
  • Ways that stress affects our health
  • How to shape your mindset
  • Ways to manage stress through mindfulness
  • The benefits of mind-body practices such as yoga and Tai Chi
  • Mindful eating, and other everyday mindfulness practices

Download our eBooks

Need something bite-sized? Our beautifully-designed eBooks offer useful information on a wide variety of topics. Visit our eBook page to download for free and read anytime, anywhere. Some are available in Spanish, too.

Mindset 101: Learning to Manage Your Stress


Food and You: Gaining Control Over Out-of-Control Eating

eBook Cover

The Anti-inflammatory Diet eBook

Anticancer Diet: Grocery Shopping Guide

View our Webinars

Webinars are ideal for people who learn best by listening. Our presenters cover topics ranging from mindfulness during cancer treatment, to fostering calm and resilience in everyday life – and much more!

All webinars are archived on our site so you can watch at your convenience.

Portrait of Dr. Linda Carlson

Mindfulness for Coping with Cancer

Dr. Linda Carlson summarizes the benefits of mindfulness for people with cancer.

Woman meditating in front of laptop

Mindfulness 101: Managing Stress Through Breath

Certified mindfulness instructor Margaret Fletcher teaches breathing exercises that increase awareness and lower stress.

Portrait of Dr. Lorenzo Cohen and Alison Jefferies

Stress Less: Fostering Calm and Resilience in Everyday Life

Dr. Lorenzo Cohen and Alison Jefferies explain the negative impact of stress on health and how to foster calm in everyday life.

15 minutes a day

Join our 7 day Kickstart Programs

In only 15 minutes a day, you can kickstart your journey to wellness. Click on each icon to see the Kickstart topics.

Day 1
Assess Your Stress
Day 2
The Mind-Body Connection
Day 3
The Anticancer Mindset
Day 4
Gratitude & Being in Nature
Day 5
Mindfulness Techniques
Day 6
Mindfulness in Daily Life
Day 7
Mindfulness & Change
Day 1
Anti-inflammatory Foods
Day 2
Mindful Eating
Day 3
Healthy Food Shopping
Day 4
Ultra-processed Foods
Day 5
Fiber and Gut Health
Day 6
Nontoxic Cookwear
Day 7
Recipes and Next Steps
Day 1
Setting Realistic Fitness Goals
Day 2
Cardiovascular Health & Exercises
Day 3
Strength Training Essentials
Day 4
Flexibility & Balance
Day 5
Neuromotor Training
Day 6
Your Personalized Fitness Plan
Day 7
Quality Sleep for a Healthier Life
Day 1
Healthy Home Assessment
Day 2
Personal Care Products
Day 3
The Healthy Kitchen
Day 4
Clean Cleaning
Day 5
Clean Indoor Air
Day 6
Dry Cleaning and Fabrics
Day 7
Create Your Anticancer Environment

Read our Blog

What are the types of stress? Which apps can help me manage my stress? How can I cope with challenging situations? With answers to these questions and more, our blog posts provide up-to-date information to help you create your Anticancer mindset.

Browse our Toolkit

Our online Mindset toolkit is a gold mine of information, all to help you create and maintain your Anticancer mindset. Open up a world of videos, apps, worksheets, tip sheets, articles, books, and so much more!

Gratitude journal

Gratitude Practice Worksheet

Woman sitting in a field of red flowers

Find an Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program near you

Mindfulness Based Cancer Recovery book cover

Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery

Healthy meal with vegetables

Mindful Eating Exercise

Hear what others are saying about the Mindset pillar of the Anticancer Lifestyle Program.

“I loved the Mindset module! The entire world needs to watch this!”

“I am now more at peace with myself and with those around me.”

“I learned how an Anticancer mindset results in less stress, less inflammation, and an improved immune system.”

“I now meditate daily, stretch and do yoga. I take every opportunity to laugh out loud.”

“Excellent information! The Mindset module showed me how to get started on creating a healthy mindset.”

“I’m meditating more, being more gentle with myself, and better about self-care.”

“I’ve started taking time every day to practice gratitude for the bounty and beauty in my life.”

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