High-Fat Diet May Boost Breast Cancer Risk

For more than three decades, experts have debated whether eating a high-fat diet increases breast cancer risk. Now, new research suggests it might boost the chances of three common types of breast cancer. In a large European study evaluating more than 337,000 women in 10 countries over 11 years, researchers found that women who ate the most saturated fat were about 30 percent more likely to develop breast cancer than those who ate the least. While the study showed an association between a high-fat diet and breast cancer risk, it didn’t prove cause-and-effect. “The results of this large study provide support for the hypothesis that breast cancer development is related to dietary fat,” said study author Sabina Sieri, a researcher from the department of preventive & predictive medicine at the Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Naziolale dei Tumori in Milan. The study is published April 9 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. To read more, click HERE