After treatment, I was in a free fall. The Anticancer Lifestyle Program caught me and gave me the support I really needed.”

“I never imagined the online course would be so comprehensive, enjoyable, and easy to follow! ”

My breast cancer diagnosis was a wake up call. The Diet module helped me to learn the science behind the food rules I followed while raising my kids and has motivated me to get back to that healthier way of cooking and eating. Thank you!

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Microplastics: sources and health consequences of human exposure

A post in CIEL: Center for International Environmental Law

As the world’s understanding of the plastics crisis grows, new facets of the problem emerge and reveal impacts on human health and the environment. Recent advances in science are allowing scientists to explore how micro- and nanoplastics form a critical piece of the plastic pollution problem. First thought to be mainly a marine pollution issue, over the last decade, scientists have discovered micro- and nanoplastics exist in every environmental compartment — from freshwater to soil and air — and in thousands of species, including humans.[1] But like climate change and hazardous chemicals, most plastics are invisible to the naked human eye, meaning their impact goes relatively unseen.[2]

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