Anticancer Change Articles & Research

Articles & Research

Lifestyle changes can significantly reduce risk of breast cancer, even if you are genetically predisposed

A study shows that even if you have certain genetic mutations that predispose you to getting breast cancer, you can lower your risk of getting breast cancer by 30% with some basic lifestyle modificati…

Articles & Research

Four lifestyle modifications found to reduce cancer risk by 30%

JAMA-Oncology published a study that showed that people who don’t smoke, who limit alcohol consumption, who exercise and maintain a healthy body weight can reduce their odds of getting some canc…

Articles & Research

The benefits of giving up several bad habits at once

A study published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience suggests that one kind of change, like starting an exercise regimen, may amplify the effects of another, like taking up meditation.

Articles & Research

Change or Die by Alan Deutschman

Change or Die by Alan Deutschman. Fast Company, December 2007.  A fascinating article looking at the difficulty of behavior change.

Articles & Research

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Science of Behavior Change Initiatives

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Science of Behavior Change Initiative funded basic research on how to develop and maintain healthier behaviors.

Articles & Research

What you need to know about willpower: the psychological science of self-control

What you need to know about willpower: the psychological science of self-control. Willpower can be strengthened with practice. View the full article here.

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  • Learn about our mission, how the Anticancer Lifestyle Program works, and how our evidence-based curriculum helps cancer survivors, and those interested in prevention, become more active participants in their own health.
    Our Mission
  • The Anticancer Lifestyle Program empowers those who seek to gain control over their own health, by giving them the tools and information they need to live a healthy lifestyle. But don’t just take our word for it! See what our program participants have to say.
    Our Participants
  • To create our content, the ACLP draws on subject matter experts in the areas of diet, fitness, mindset, and personal environment. A Board of Directors and Advisory Board provide guidance and support.
    Our Board
  • Interested in learning more about lifestyle changes that can reduce your risk of cancer, cancer recurrence, and chronic illness? We make it easy for you to learn your way.
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