Anticancer Videos


Must-See Movies and TV Shows to Inspire Your Healthy Lifestyle Journey

Creating a healthier lifestyle, especially with a focus on cancer prevention, involves not only making informed choices about our diet and physical activity but also educating ourselves and our loved …


The complicated relationship between exercise and weight loss

Dr. Michael Greger presents fascinating information about the relationship between exercise and weight loss in this 5:50 minute video.


“10 Americans” by Environmental Working Group

While we as consumers have a lot of power to reduce many of our chemical exposures by making wise purchasing decisions, some exposures are beyond our control to affect.


Video Demonstration Of The Plastic Lining In Aluminum Cans

See this 4-minute video to visualize the plastic lining (usually with BPA or a chemical cousin) in aluminum cans.


Dr Donald Abrams on what you should eat to stay healthy

In only ten minutes, Dr.


Dr. Greger on the relationship between dietary cholesterol and cancer

For many cancers, there is a dose-response relationship between dietary cholesterol from animal fat and cancer–meaning that the higher the intake of cholesterol, the greater the risk of many can…


Fighting the Ten Hallmarks of Cancer with Food

In this six-minute video, Dr.


Dr. Gil Carvalho on 8 common food habits keeping us unhealthy

In this 17 minute video, physician and research scientist Dr. Gil Carvalho, MD, PhD, suggests 8 common food habits that keep us unhealthy.


Dr. Michael Greger on why broccoli consumption is important after a breast cancer diagnosis

In this video, Dr. Greger shows the evidence that broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables should be an important part of the diet after a breast cancer diagnosis.


Complementary cancer Care Lecture series by Noted UCSF Integrative Oncologist Donald Abrams

In this four-part lecture series, noted integrative oncologist Donald Abrams shares key information about the efficacy of complementary therapies used as an adjunct to medical treatment for cancer.


Mindful Movement and Breath

David Breen is a yoga and meditation teacher in Concord, NH and owns Sharing Yoga. Join David for this gentle practice on mindful movement and mindful breathing.


A Tedx Talk on nature, beauty, and gratitude

This talk on nature, beauty, and gratitude is calming, visually beautiful, and a good reminder of how much we have to feel grateful for.

Join us in growing and sustaining the Anticancer Lifestyle Program

  • Learn about our mission, how the Anticancer Lifestyle Program works, and how our evidence-based curriculum helps cancer survivors, and those interested in prevention, become more active participants in their own health.
    Our Mission
  • The Anticancer Lifestyle Program empowers those who seek to gain control over their own health, by giving them the tools and information they need to live a healthy lifestyle. But don’t just take our word for it! See what our program participants have to say.
    Our Participants
  • To create our content, the ACLP draws on subject matter experts in the areas of diet, fitness, mindset, and personal environment. A Board of Directors and Advisory Board provide guidance and support.
    Our Board
  • Interested in learning more about lifestyle changes that can reduce your risk of cancer, cancer recurrence, and chronic illness? We make it easy for you to learn your way.
    Get Started

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