“I feel healthier today then I felt before I was diagnosed. I no longer have that false feeling of helplessness.

“Thank you a hundred, maybe a thousand times more for the Anticancer Lifestyle Program. It has made a huge difference for me and my family.

“Just completed the Anticancer Lifestyle program. Strongly encourage survivors, those looking to prevent cancer, those with risk factors, and really all of us to take this course. Most of us are unaware of how many risks exist, particularly from environmental factors. My favorite was the environment section. People get some nutrition, stress management, and exercise guidance but virtually no information about toxins and their impact.”

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Beyond Conventional Cancer Therapies on the role of sleep in cancer care

Beyond Conventional Cancer Therapies (bcct.ngo) is a thorough, evidence-based resource for cancer survivors and those in the medical field to explore the best integrative approaches to cancer treatment that go beyond conventional cancer care.  See their Sleeping Well page for information about the role of sleep in maintaining optimal functioning of our immune, cellular, metabolic and endocrine (hormonal) systems.