Guide to Insurance-Reimbursed Group Visits

This is a comprehensive resource designed to help healthcare professionals seamlessly integrate the Anticancer Lifestyle Program (ACLP) into practices as billable Shared Medical Appointments (SMAs) or Behavioral Health Group Interventions.

1. Google Doc
2. PDFNote: The Table of Contents is not clickable in the pdf version.

Healthcare providers can use several free ACLP resources to educate patients as part of shared medical visits. These include our eBooks, Kickstarts, and Learning Circles. Learning Circles are facilitated 9-week sessions in which patients review the ACLP’s 9+ hour online course. The course provides tools, tips, and information about evidence-based lifestyle changes in the areas of diet, fitness, mindset, and toxic chemical exposures that can reduce the risk of chronic illness and improve well-being.

This guide simplifies the process, providing:

  • Sample billing codes and diagnoses for SMAs and Behavioral Health Groups.

  • Common documentation requirements to ensure compliance.

  • Practical tips from healthcare providers who have successfully led SMAs.

By combining evidence-based lifestyle interventions with the efficiency of group visits, ACLP Learning Circles empower patients to adopt sustainable habits while offering providers a cost-effective way to enhance care. Patients find great support in the group setting and benefit from sharing resources and alleviating the sense of isolation that often accompanies a cancer diagnosis.

Learning Circle Organizer’s Manual

This manual provides step-by-step instructions for organizing a Learning Circle. You can access it in two different ways:

1. Google Doc
2. PDFNote: The Table of Contents is not clickable in the pdf version.