

The 5 Diet Keys

Eat a plant-based diet, with a focus on a variety of fruits, vegetables, and plant-based proteins. Plant-based diets are usually higher in antioxidants, which are beneficial for cancer protection.

Tip Sheets

Tips for Better Sleep

This is a highly individual process and you have to find what works for you.

Articles & Research

Glyphosate (Roundup) found in many foods

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) tested a wide variety of oat and wheat products for glyphosate, the most commonly used herbicide in the world.

Articles & Research

War, battle, and other military metaphors in cancer treatment can make people more fearful and fatalistic

A study by psychologists David Hauser and Norbert Schwarz found that the ubiquitous use of war metaphors when referring to cancer may do more harm than good.

Articles & Research

PFAS chemicals (found in Teflon and other household products) cause young men to have shorter penises and lower sperm counts

A study by Di Nisio et al, published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, found that the PFAS chemicals PFOA and PFOS impair male reproductive health.

Articles & Research

Harvard Health: How excess weight affects your body

This useful article, put out by Harvard Health Publications, concludes that “If you’re carrying many extra pounds, you face a higher-than-average risk of a whopping 50 different health problem…

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  • Learn about our mission, how the Anticancer Lifestyle Program works, and how our evidence-based curriculum helps cancer survivors, and those interested in prevention, become more active participants in their own health.
    Our Mission
  • The Anticancer Lifestyle Program empowers those who seek to gain control over their own health, by giving them the tools and information they need to live a healthy lifestyle. But don’t just take our word for it! See what our program participants have to say.
    Our Participants
  • To create our content, the ACLP draws on subject matter experts in the areas of diet, fitness, mindset, and personal environment. A Board of Directors and Advisory Board provide guidance and support.
    Our Board
  • Interested in learning more about lifestyle changes that can reduce your risk of cancer, cancer recurrence, and chronic illness? We make it easy for you to learn your way.
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