“I feel healthier today then I felt before I was diagnosed. I no longer have that false feeling of helplessness.

“Thank you a hundred, maybe a thousand times more for the Anticancer Lifestyle Program. It has made a huge difference for me and my family.

“Just completed the Anticancer Lifestyle program. Strongly encourage survivors, those looking to prevent cancer, those with risk factors, and really all of us to take this course. Most of us are unaware of how many risks exist, particularly from environmental factors. My favorite was the environment section. People get some nutrition, stress management, and exercise guidance but virtually no information about toxins and their impact.”

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Fit After 50: Adding Days to Your Life & Life to Your Days

Growing older is inevitable, but how we age is largely within our control. Discover the secrets to combating age-related decline by harnessing the rejuvenating power of movement.

Dive into our free eBook Fit After 50: Adding Days to Your Life & Life to Your Days


This eBook is essential for those who:

  • Seek expert advice on the best exercises and their frequency, specifically designed for individuals over 50.
  • Desire to create a personalized exercise routine they can stick with–and learn what to do when they “fall off the wagon.”
  • Want to understand the link between aging, disease, and physical activity.

Peter Pace, a renowned expert in nutrition and exercise physiology, shares his knowledge, emphasizing that movement isn’t just about fitness — it’s about living fully at any age.