After treatment, I was in a free fall. The Anticancer Lifestyle Program caught me and gave me the support I really needed.”

“I never imagined the online course would be so comprehensive, enjoyable, and easy to follow! ”

My breast cancer diagnosis was a wake up call. The Diet module helped me to learn the science behind the food rules I followed while raising my kids and has motivated me to get back to that healthier way of cooking and eating. Thank you!

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Toxic Textiles: What’s in Your Closet?

Did you know your clothing could be a source of harmful chemicals entering your body? Flame retardants, insect repellents, stain-resistant treatments, and waterproofing agents are often added to fabrics, and these substances can be absorbed through your skin or inhaled.

Surprisingly, there are no federal regulations for chemicals in clothing manufactured outside the U.S., which constitutes 98% of all clothing sold in America. This lack of oversight has led to incidents like Delta flight attendants falling ill from chemicals in their uniforms and the surprising presence of BPA in sports bras.

Adding to the concern, certain federal laws even encourage using chemicals in clothing, such as the highly toxic flame retardants found in some children’s pajamas.

Join us for an empowering webinar with Deborah de Moulpied, Anticancer’s green living expert, and learn which textiles to be cautious of and, more importantly, how to protect yourself from harmful chemicals in your clothing and fabrics. You will also learn practical tips for detoxing your wardrobe and making safer choices for yourself and your family.