Environment | Webinars

Toxic Textiles: What’s in Your Closet?

October 15, 4 PM PT / 7 PM ET

Fabrics and clothing can contain flame retardants, insect repellents, stain-resistant treatments, anti-wrinkle chemicals, and waterproofing agents, which can be absorbed through the skin or inhaled.

Surprisingly, no federal regulations exist for chemicals in clothing manufactured outside the U.S., constituting 98% of all clothing sold in America. This lack of oversight has led to incidents like Delta flight attendants falling ill from chemicals in their uniforms and the surprising presence of BPA in sports bras.

Adding to the concern, certain federal laws even encourage using chemicals in clothing, such as the highly toxic flame retardants in some children’s pajamas.

Join us for an empowering webinar with Deborah de Moulpied, Anticancer’s green living expert. You will learn which textiles to be cautious of and, more importantly, how to protect yourself from harmful chemicals in your clothing and fabrics. You will also learn practical tips for detoxing your wardrobe and making safer choices for yourself and your family.

There will be a live Q&A at the end of the webinar.

Interested in the topic but can’t attend live? Register anyway, and we’ll send you the recording.

Webinar Registration

This webinar is brought to you by the Anticancer Lifestyle Program, a program designed to help people reduce their risk of cancer by making healthy lifestyle choices.

About the presenter:
Deborah deMoulpied, a green living expert, created the Environment pillar of the Anticancer Lifestyle Program. Deborah was the founder of an environmental green goods store in New Hampshire. To choose the cleanest possible products for her store, she spent years researching and vetting companies and products so that her customers could be confident that the brands she carried were the safest. Deborah is active in the environmental community and is a frequent guest lecturer for cancer support groups and organizations promoting a less toxic lifestyle.

Stories of Success

We are honored to share stories from people who have benefitted from our Program, and from healthcare professionals who rely on us to provide evidence-based information to their patients.

“Everything else has been done TO us. This is something we get to do for ourselves.

Donna K
Donna K

“As a physician, I recommend the Anticancer Lifestyle Program because it is evidence-based, and focuses on positive, pro-health living.”

Dr. Chloe Atreya Helen Diller Comprehensive Cancer Center, UCSF
Dr. Chloe Atreya Helen Diller Comprehensive Cancer Center, UCSF

“Thank you for presenting this life-saving information in an easily digestible format. It’s every bit as important as choosing your doctor, hospital, & treatment plan.”

Nick P. Oklahoma
Nick P. Oklahoma