This Environment Toolkit supports the information and guidance you receive in the Environment Module of the Anticancer Lifestyle Program. The module and the resources included on this page will give you tools you can use to make informed and wise purchasing decisions, in order to reduce your exposure to toxins common to daily living.
In this live Q&A with Dr.
In a study published in Science Direct, researchers found that reduction of daily-use parabens and phthalates reverses accumulation of cancer-associated phenotypes within disease-free breast tissue.
Learn the latest science on environmental factors that influence breast cancer risk and practical tips to reduce your exposures.
A study published in the journal Cancer found that 22 pesticides showed consistent, direct associations with incidence of prostate cancer.
Join world-renowned lifestyle medicine expert and #1 New York Times bestselling author Dr. Dean Ornish as he shares how lifestyle choices can significantly improve our health.
In a study published in the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, researchers found evidence for widespread human exposure to food contact chemicals.
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