Reduce your exposure to toxins in everyday life

This Environment Toolkit supports the information and guidance you receive in the Environment Module of the Anticancer Lifestyle Program. The module and the resources included on this page will give you tools you can use to make informed and wise purchasing decisions, in order to reduce your exposure to toxins common to daily living.

Best Nontoxic Clothing and Bedding: Which Brands Can You Trust?

Navigating the world of textiles and clothing to avoid harmful chemicals can feel overwhelming, but we’re here to help! View our carefully curated list of brands, certifications, and resources t…


Safe Eats: Reducing Exposure to Harmful Chemicals in Food Packaging

Protect your health and reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals with our free eBook, Safe Eats: Reducing Exposure to Harmful Chemicals in Food Packaging.


Informed™ Product Guidance: Healthier Building Materials for a Safer Environment

Discover safer product choices with the Informed™ Product Guidance, a comprehensive resource that ranks building materials based on their health impact.

Articles & Research

Cancer risk: Are pesticides the new smoking?

In an article printed in Medscape, Dr. Dounia Hamdi states that “….

Articles & Research

Possible Breast Cancer Carcinogens Widespread in Food Packaging

In an article published in Frontiers in Toxicology, researchers found that 76 potential mammary carcinogens have been detected to migrate from FCMs (food contact materials) sold in markets across the …

Articles & Research

Evidence for widespread human exposure to harmful food contact chemicals

A study published in the  Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology found that out of the 14,000 known FCCs, or food contact chemicals, 3601 (or about 25%) have been found present i…

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  • Learn about our mission, how the Anticancer Lifestyle Program works, and how our evidence-based curriculum helps cancer survivors, and those interested in prevention, become more active participants in their own health.
    Our Mission
  • The Anticancer Lifestyle Program empowers those who seek to gain control over their own health, by giving them the tools and information they need to live a healthy lifestyle. But don’t just take our word for it! See what our program participants have to say.
    Our Participants
  • To create our content, the ACLP draws on subject matter experts in the areas of diet, fitness, mindset, and personal environment. A Board of Directors and Advisory Board provide guidance and support.
    Our Board
  • Interested in learning more about lifestyle changes that can reduce your risk of cancer, cancer recurrence, and chronic illness? We make it easy for you to learn your way.
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