Here are some simple steps you can follow to limit your exposure to harmful chemicals found in fabrics and household plastics: For dry cleaning and fabrics, try to: Choose green cleaning or wet cleani…
Avoid plastics for heating foods, particularly in microwaves, even if the label says the container is safe for food. Also, use stainless steel, glass, or ceramics in the oven.
Awareness is the first step toward adopting an Anticancer environment.
Top 10 tips for PERSONAL CARE Avoid toothpaste, deodorant, and other products containing triclosan or triclocarban.
PER- AND POLYFLUOROALKYL SUBSTANCES, KNOWN AS PFAS CHEMICALS, constitute a multi-billion dollar family of chemicals that are widely used to make water-, grease- and stain-repellent coatings.
Many commercial cleaners on the market today contain harmful chemicals that are damaging not only to the environment, but to human health.
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