Anticancer Expert Q&A

Expert Q&A

Expert Q&A 5/3/2022: Crystal Cascio, Registered Dietitian

How bad is sugar, really? What is your opinion on fasting? Are there optimal times we should be eating our meals? Can you address foods that work synergistically together? How can I get enough protein…

Expert Q&A

Expert Q&A 4/5/2022: Peter Pace, Exercise Physiologist

What are the best types of movement exercises to do in the morning? Should I eat food before exercising? How do I improve balance? How do I motivate to exercise during cancer treatment? What kind of e…

Expert Q&A

Expert Q&A, 3/1/2022: Margaret Fletcher, Mindfulness Instructor

How can you stop fixating on the constant that every new pain and ache signals a return of cancer? How to come down from a hyper-vigilant job when your shift is over? Is there such a thing as “good�…

Expert Q&A

Expert Q&A 2/1/2022: Deborah deMoulpied, Green Living Expert

Is Tupperware safe to store food in the refrigerator? What is the safest way to wrap leftovers? What is the best recipe for a homemade disinfectant cleaner? Are hand sanitizers bad for the skin? What …

Expert Q&A

Expert Q&A, 11/7/2021: Margaret Fletcher, Mindfulness Instructor

Do you have advice for leveraging mindfulness during annual cancer check tests? What can you do when your racing thoughts seem to be overwhelming? Can stress cause cancer? Can meditation show up in th…

Expert Q&A

Expert Q&A 11/2/2021: Crystal Cascio, Registered Dietitian

Is the “white” of eggs nutritional and safe to eat? Should we avoid gluten? Do I need to cut out sugary foods entirely to maintain a healthy diet? Does soy increase cancer risk? How much fish and/…

Expert Q&A

Expert Q&A 10/5/21: Peter Pace, Fitness Instructor

Questions covered in this session: How can people reduce their belly fat (gut)?I have balance issues due to chemo.

Expert Q&A

Expert Q&A 9/7/2021: Deborah deMoulpied, Green Living Expert

What’s an alternative to using bottled water when I travel? Are crock pots and insta-pots good to use? How can I find a healthy deodorant? What’s a nontoxic way to get rid of ants in my kitchen? H…

Expert Q&A

Expert Q&A 2/2/2021: Deborah deMoulpied, Green Living Expert

What types of personal health products are safe? What type of cookware is the least toxic? How can I minimize the toxicity of carpeting? What are the major ways we are exposed to toxins? What is the b…

Expert Q&A

Expert Q&A: Crystal Cascio, Registered Dietitian

Is it OK to eat canned fruits and veggies? What is the role of a plant-based diet in cancer prevention? If you can’t buy organic fruits and veggies, should you still eat them? Are there specific foo…

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